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On my first play through I failed to complete a delivery and when I had to do another one the cursor pointed to the next point of interest but when I got close there wasn't anything there. I saw a familiar looking NPC which is normally one of the ones I deliver to or take a package from. 

I restarted my session/play through and I was able to do the delivery I had failed previousely as well as the one that came after, but then I failed another delivery and the same bug popped up and I got the cursor pointing to an invisible point of interest. This kinda makes it hard to progress cause I need to restart the level to actually do everything, instead of having a normal deduction to my overall performance.

Also, not sure if this is a design choice or not, but when character is blocked/obstructed by a building he is highlighted so the player can see and keep track of him but the cursor that points to the point of interest seems to disappear behind the building and reappears when we are clear of the building. If this is a design choice, then it is an interesting way to challenge the player, if it's not a design choice then it might be a bug.

Overall, the game is fun and a thrill to engage with. Please keep working on it and improving it.

It is worth playing. I think a mobile build would also be great.

The game is fun,i like it !

Thank you! Glad you like it.